Final Program

Workshop on Computer Architecture Education (WCAE-99)

January 9, 1999

Orlando, Florida

Held in conjunction with the

Fifth International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture

January 9 - January 13, 1999


David R. Kaeli, Northeastern University

Bruce Jacob,
University of Maryland at College Park

WELCOME (8:30 ~ 8:45)

I. Tools and Technology (8:45 ~ 10:15)

1a. TupleDSM: An Educational Tool for Software Distributed Shared Memory
Norman Matloff, UC Davis

1b. The Role of Computer Technology Trends in Computer Architecture Education
Nihar R. Mahapatra and Alwin Tareen, SUNY Buffalo

1c. CALKAS: A Computer Architecture Learning and Knowledge Assessment System
J. Djordjevic, A. Milenkovic, and I. Todorovic, University of Belgrade

BREAK (10:15 ~ 10:45am)

II. Invited Talks (10:45 ~ 12:45am)

2a.DSP-based Education in Computer Architecture
Maria Ho, University Program Manager, Texas Instruments

2b. Developing a Computer Science/Engineering Textbook
Denise Penrose, Morgan Kaufmann Publishing

LUNCH (12:45 ~ 2:00 )

III. Keynote Talk (2:00 ~ 3:00)

Computer Architecture Education -- Mechanical Engineers Need It Too

Yale Patt, University of Michigan

BREAK (3:00 ~ 3:30pm)

IV. Distance Learning and Curriculum Development (3:30 ~ 5:00)

4a. Asynchrony and Delay-Insensitivity in Computer Engineering Education
Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya, University of Maryland at College Park

4b. Education at a Distance: A Report From the Front
David J. Lilja, University of Minnesota

4c. Computer Architecture Development Couurses in Toulouse Universities
Dominique Houzet, ENSEEIHT-INPT, Toulouse, France
Aziz Mzoughi, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France

V. Panel Session - (TBA) (5:00 ~ 6:00)

Updated on December 15, 1998