/home/cdimarzio/Desktop/LinkAC/forms/NewCourse.txt Wed May 6 20:41:59 2015 /home/cdimarzio/Documents/notes/projfldr/assoc-chair/forms/NewCourse.txt Wed Aug 26 10:59:34 2015 NU ECE New Course Procedure: Proposing faculty sends answers to the questions listed below to teaching group leader. Teaching group leader solicits input from group. Teaching group leader then sends to Vice Chair and USC/GAC as appropriate (USC for 1000 to 4999, GSC for 6000 to 7999, and both for 5000-5999) UG courses (other than Special Topics) voted by faculty after USC input. Note that special topics courses should be converted to regular courses if they are to be offered more regularly. Proposing faculty sends to Faith the prerequisites required and a description (which, in the case of a regular course will be used for the catalog). Questions to be answered... Q1. Faculty Member: Q2. Course title: Q3. Proposed Level (eg. 2000,3000,4000,5000,7000): Q4. Description (Can be "catalog-ready" or simpler): Q5. Pre-requisites: Q6 - Has this course been discussed previously in the appropriate teaching group? Q7 - What are other courses in the ECE and other departments' curricula that a student might take together, and how does the proposed course fit into the suite of courses? Q8 - In particular how does it build on other classes in the appropriate part of the ECE curriculum? Q9 - What are anticipated teaching resources required? (e.g., TAs? how many and for what purpose/what will their responsibilities be? labs? what software and/or hardware?) What space is needed and for what length of time per week? Q11 - Who else in the department can teach it? Have you discussed it with these faculty? Q12 - At what frequency should this be taught? Every semester? Every year? Alternate years (specific semster?)? Irregular?