GEU110 Engineering Design Homework D11
Prof. DiMarzio

Major Project Report Grade Sheet:

Here is the grade sheet I plan to use on the project reports.  As a general rule, write so that a reader with your experience, but with no knowledge of the particular subject could understand how to implement your design.

 Student Name:___________________________________________ 

Preliminaries: Cover Letter 5 _______

Title Page 5 _______

Table of Contents, List of Figures, List of Tables 5 _______
Abstract Content 5 _______

Grammar, Punctuation, etc. 5 _______
Body of Report The Design Itself on its Techical Merits 20 _______

Clarity of Presentation 20 _______

Grammar and Spelling 10 _______

Overall Appearance 10 _______

References 5 _______
Peer Rating of Team Members (See Instructions Below) 10
Overall Score
100 _______
  Peer Rating of Team Members:

Each person, please prepare one page with the following information.  You may submit this electronically, but keep in mind that email is not particularly secure.  If you prefer, you can deliver it in an envelope to my lab, in 334 Egan.  I will keep these confidential, but will use my best judgement in evaluating them for your score.

1. Your name

2. The number of your group

3. The name of each team member (including yourself) and a number according to the following table:

6 Excellent Leaps tall buildings in a single bound Consistently went above and beyond.  Helped teammates, carried more than a fair share of the load.  Obviously if more than you award this number to more than one person, we have a problem.  This is not Lake Wobegon where all the children are above average.
5 Very Good Leaps tall buildings in a bound and a half. Consistently did what was required and often went above.  Was well-prepared and made good contributions to the team.
4 Good Leaps mid-height buildings in two bounds or less Usually well-prepared.  Often made useful contributions.
3 Acceptable Walks around buildings without walking into their walls Usually did work that others suggested, but did not have a major contribution to the project.
2 Marginal Walks into walls but doesn't hurt self or others. Attended meetings, but conributed little, but nevertheless was not disruptive.
1 Unsatisfactory Talks about leaping buildings, but doesn't do it. Overall, had an adverse effect on the group's performance, by delaying, or promising but not delivering.
0 No Show Who? Never showed up or did any work toward the project.