ECE 1240 Remote Control Specifications

Home Syllabus Experiments Spec. Sheets Students

ECE 1240 Remote Control Specifications:

1. Minimum Reliable Operating Distance: 10 feet.

2. Maximum of one phototransistor, one LED, and one 9V battery used in circuit. (Lab-supplied components, only!)

3. Insensitivity to ambient light #1: Operates shaded or unshaded (from ambient light), pointed in any direction in the room.

4. Insensitivity to ambient light #2: Operates within 3 feet of the switched lamp with a bare 60 W bulb with the lamp placed no more than 30 degrees off of the sensitive axis of the phototransistor. The phototransistor must not be shielded from the light.

5. Lamp switches on when the transmit button is pushed once, off when the button is pushed a second time. Switching occurs in less than 0.5 seconds.

Home Syllabus Experiments Spec. Sheets Students

Department of Electrical Engineering, Northeastern University.
Last updated: 1/05/05