Captain's Log

Set 8: 21-22 August 2014

(21 August 103)
And so we come to the last day of the program. Jimmy and Tristan presented on the Indie music scene in Taipei. Paul and Arnold presented on the subject of tea, and shared some tea with everyone present. Christie made some closing comments. Thanks to Christie and everyone at CIEE for all the help in making this trip a memorable experience for everyone. Then we moved to the Capital Hotel for our farewell dinner. Thanks to Christie's husband, Frank, seated at the far left in the picture, for hosting this event. Hamming it up for the camera. A gift to Kitch, student, friend, guide, translator, and part of the group in everything. By the third week, I stopped counting my 10 NU students at the start of class and just counted my 11 students. Prof. David Blundell gave us way more than 45 hours of classroom instruction. He was our guide to, in Adam's words, a "total immersion in Taiwanese culture." He was with us for every excursion, generously contributing his wealth of knowledge of Taiwan, and encouraging us to see more, and making this "Ilha Formosa" a favorite of all of us. The night concluded with a party on the steps of the hotel, where we chewed the betel nut and ate some "stinky tofu," two of the "must-try" experiences of Taiwan.

(22 August 2014 in the US)
Friday morning, we said goodbye to the hotel and boarded the bus for the airport. "Morning in America:" Lenticular clouds over the pacific hug the coastal range between the ocean and the South Bay as we make landfall on the west coast. With a long layover, we took the BART up to San Francisco, some for breakfast and some for burgers. Paul posed with the statue in Yerba Buena Park. A historic PCC streetcar makes its way along Market Street. This is at least the third advertisement for Taiwan that we saw in SF.