Captain's Log

Set 4: 2-7 August 2014

(7 August 103) Taipei 101.
Views from the observation floor (89th) toward the Taipei "Silicon Valley." This is in the general direction of Elephant Hill, where we climbed the first weekend. Leane, James, Sam, and Tristan on the outdoor observatory (91st floor). It was cooler up there than on the ground. Almost to the top. Leane poses with the Damper Baby, and the 660-ton damper in the background. The view from the street.

(6 August 103) This afternoon's trip was to the Museum of Fine Arts. Christie arranged a tour by the artist, "Robert" Chen Cheng-Hsiung, the grandfather of abstract art in this part of the world. We are honored that he conducted this private tour for our group. Here's the website of the exhibit.{%22JJMethod%22%3A%22GetEx%22%2C%22Type%22%3A%221%22}
The artist answers a question for Sam. Firey Youth! The group with the artist.

(4 August 103) This was our first day in our new classroom. It's got all the essentials plus free juice and tea, and excellent coffee at a reduced price. Thanks to Joseph and his connections in Taipei for finding it, and Christie for her efforts in making the arrangments for us to use it. Here's the professor's eye view during the break.

(2 August 103) Saturday we went to the National Taiwan Science Education Center. Our English-speaking tour guide gave a great tour of the optics section and a few other areas. Thanks to Jimmy for finding this place, and Chrstie for getting us information about the English tours. That night we heard Matt Nicodemus, folksinger, at the Tav Cafe. Thanks to Kitch for organizing this trip.